win4lin doesn't lag - quite the opposite

Story: Win4Lin Pro Desktop 4.0 lags behind free alternativesTotal Replies: 1
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Apr 27, 2007
4:25 PM EDT
Say what you will, win4lin simply works. I installed win4lin pro on my main suse workstation, then installed win2k, and it all works, no muss, no fuss.

I tried to make uml go, but there were too many quirks and limitations. I wrestled with xen, finally giving up in frustration. I don't consider either of those ready for prime time until a casual non-geek can install and use them.

OTOH, vmware player works well, and that's the real alternative to win4lin.

Apr 27, 2007
7:38 PM EDT
I use qemu and it works really well - installed w2k and win95 for some of my daughters old games and it runs really fast and very usable. the docs are great and I did not need any special hardware - in fact I have a win95 qemu virtual machine running on a pIII 933 with 1 gig of ram on kubuntu for her and it runs quite well. still trying to get the printer to work though - not use to sharing this stuff for proprietary network like windows. man I really appreciate linux everything is just so easy to network - windows is chore to get anything done.

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