I wish him well...but

Story: Novell Linux desktop architect goes to GoogleTotal Replies: 7
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May 08, 2007
7:20 AM EDT
While people are certainly cheering his departure from Novell... because SUSE Linux is evil, everyone does understand what Google's plans are? Right? You do understand that just what they are wanting to know about you and what they are wanting to do with that information. Right? Trust me, the first person to achieve the goal will make billions... no doubt.... and Google is well set on becoming that company. Of course, eventually everyone will have access to the "data".... but really only the first one will be the one that effectively profits from it all.

May 08, 2007
7:31 AM EDT
ask yourself this

was there ever a google page that would not render in a browser of your choice?

ask yourself the same question except instead of google substitute microsoft.

google has gotten where they are because they don't lock people in and create a better product than microsoft.

May 08, 2007
11:41 AM EDT

What product has google created that is "better" than one produced by MS?

What exactly has Google given back to the FLOSS community?

While MS may be the Big Bad Wolf, I suspect that Google is a wolf in sheep's wool and that is much worse IMNSHO.

May 08, 2007
12:06 PM EDT

>What product has google created that is "better" than one produced by MS?

Well, they have this search...

>What exactly has Google given back to the FLOSS community?

Summer of code? MySQL improvements? Shown what LAMP can do? Gives Firefox $55 MIL each year?

>While MS may be the Big Bad Wolf, I suspect that Google is a wolf in sheep's wool and that is much > worse IMNSHO.

I don't get all the Google-haters here on lxer. You're ignorant or dismissive of all the good Google has done and suspicious about what it might possibly do someday to someone that might be bad?

I propose that we let Google do something evil before we start trashing them?

May 08, 2007
12:18 PM EDT
> I propose that we let Google do something evil before we start trashing them?

While I agree, their agreement with China is something to be worried about.

May 08, 2007
12:27 PM EDT
Would also add to this the concept that *SOMETIMES* the enemy of the enemy ends up being a "friend". Let's see: 1) A big company headquartered in Redmond,WA, which everyone at LXer just loves ;) /severe sarcasm here!/ is noted for its questionable/bullying/underhanded... tactics. 2) There has been notable animosity in the past between this infamous company and Google. 3) This infamous company is now pursuing Google's online competitor Yahoo! Inc., as posted here in LXer.

From this, maybe just maybe Google is more of a "friend" here... or at least much less of an enemy than any LXer Google-haters might have us believe?

May 08, 2007
12:38 PM EDT
jdixon writes: >While I agree, their agreement with China is something to be worried about.

Agreed. But I don't know what Google can do... disobey the lawful government? I guess the high road would be to refuse to do business in China. They did refuse to divulge searches to US prosecutors...

May 08, 2007
12:54 PM EDT
All I want to know is why in the hell do Google need to know so much about me, and what in the hell are they going to do with it, and why can't I have access to it?

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