How Bizarre

Story: Multimedia-oriented Ubuntu Studio arrivesTotal Replies: 1
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May 12, 2007
10:54 AM EDT
I was just sitting thinking that it was straneg that there was no mention of this on LXer yesterday so I was going to post it. Then just to be sure I did a search for "studio" and found that this went up, what? A few minutes ago?


Anyway, I'll be testing this specifically to gauge the video editing capabilities. They seem to be hanging their hopes on Pitivi which, although having shown lots of promise for a long time hasn't done much yet. I've been dying to get a good free NLE in Linux (before anybody posts, I've tried Cinelerrra regular and cvs, Kdenlive, Openmovieditor, Kino, MainActor, Diva, Lives and Jahshaka) for a long time but no dice.

In general, the Ubuntu Studio project was very solid when it was just a wiki. I'm interested in seeing how it handled becoming a distro - or perhaps more properly, meta-distro.

Anyway, once I check it out I'll do a little write up on it.

EDIT: Hmm. Dunno what's up with the title of this post.

May 12, 2007
12:10 PM EDT
Cool. Looking forward to it. Always interesting to see how the media editing distros work and what programs they use.

Last time I did a video project I used cinelerra-cvs. While a nice program, it was horribly unstable (at least on my 32 bit install, haven't tried it on this 64 bit install yet). It got rather frustrating to have to save after each action in case the editor crashed. It would basically lock up, eat all my CPU and RAM (1GB), and sit for about 5-10 min. Eventually the program would close and and I could restart it to continue. At least it was in linux, with windows something like that would probably take down the OS.

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