
Story: AMD will deliver open graphics driversTotal Replies: 8
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May 12, 2007
8:07 PM EDT
this is awesome!!!

great news - I think I know whose graphic card I will buy next.


May 12, 2007
8:18 PM EDT
ATI proprietary drivers have historically been not very good. There are a very few open-source drivers for older cards that I have heard are good-quality, though I've never tried them.

This article has some interesting information: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=700&num=1

If AMD really does support FOSS ATI drivers and does it right, that would be the lever to pry the proprietary out of NVidia. Even if it doesn't, it will be great to have a real FOSS choice in the matter.

May 12, 2007
8:23 PM EDT
Yes, it's good news. But, as with Dell, let's see what they actually do before we get too ecstatic. If they follow through, I'll buy a card for use in my next system (which, if Dell follows through, will be a Dell).

May 13, 2007
2:36 AM EDT
Quoting:ATI proprietary drivers have historically been not very good.

That's fine. We will treat them as the "specification" to write our own drivers to :)

May 13, 2007
5:57 AM EDT
And the enterpriselinux webpage informs me that ncsoft won't play well with linux (microsoft advert). Thanks a million....

May 13, 2007
7:38 AM EDT
Very good news. I am not into high performance graphics, but multi-head stuff which I can use for multi-seat X windowing systems is fantastic. So far, this is best done with Nvidia cards. see dual-heads will allow up to 12 seats on one box (less than $100 per seat!). This is great for labs, libraries, cafes and such. See groovix.com/support/ubuntu/ for installation scripts on top of ubuntu dists. Slim is the script for multiseat X that I have used.

Having ATI open source means there would be fewer surprises. The Nvidia stuff is black magic...

May 13, 2007
11:16 AM EDT
"I’m here to commit to you that it’s going to get done.” He also promised that AMD is “going to be very proactive in changing way we interface with the Linux community.”

(Dreaded possible Translation)

AMD today announced a signed deal with Microsoft. According to an AMD spokesman, this agreement will insure that AMD hardware will comply with Linux/FOSS Standard while allowing Microsoft to sell....)

pogson: You have NO idea how glad I was to read this. I had already put two hours into a howto/tutorial about how we did a similar thing at my recent employer's networks. How I missed this I don't know. Instead of slaving away at something that had already been well done, I sent him some information that will help him fill in a few blank spots and my script that will be of possible service in multi-machine reboots and proper resets of resolution sizes. (this has been a come-and-go bug for awhile in this scenerio...but with both Nvidia and ATI)


May 13, 2007
6:56 PM EDT
Man, this would be so awesome. We have two ATI cards here at home because they're best we can get with free drivers on GNU/Linux, performance wise, but I gotta say these free drivers are still experimental and have some issues (still a great job considering they came out of reverse engineering).

If AMD is serious about this, and I am really looking forward to some sort of a confirmation, I'll be one very very happy AMD customer and will recommend AMD cards to anyone who wants awesome 3D on GNU/Linux! :)


May 13, 2007
7:10 PM EDT
Quoting:If AMD is serious about this, and I am really looking forward to some sort of a confirmation, I'll be one very very happy AMD customer and will recommend AMD cards to anyone who wants awesome 3D on GNU/Linux! :)

I am with you Libervis, but the proof is in the pudding, when I see them I will believe them...

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