We could be sure of that already

Story: Microsoft Won't Sue Linux Users, Company Exec SaysTotal Replies: 9
Author Content

May 15, 2007
5:56 PM EDT
Quoting:Instead, Microsoft wants to create more arrangements that mirror the company's deal with Linux distributor Novell.

I bet they do, that way they can divide and conquer.

If they were eally serious about clearing up the patents thing they could simply go to the Kernel developers and cross license, or the any other FOSS group such as FSF etc.and do the same. The rubbish about making deals with companies distributing Linux has nothing to do with clearing up the patent mess, it's about finding a new revenue stream.

May 15, 2007
7:08 PM EDT
Aside from Tracyanne's astute and key point, there is another factor, another avenue we seriously need to deal with and accept. There is only one reason MS will not sue individual Linux Users. They are intelligent enough to realize them as potential customers...especially the newer converts. MS realizes the staggering number of this type of user. MS fully intends to either corrupt a Linux Corporate symbol or outright destroy one. Either way, the action is found palatable by the business community. Microsoft does not give two toots about "The Linux Community".

It has become obvious to some and newly realized to others that the "Linux Community" is in reality nothing but dozens of tribes and factions, mostly at war or in conflict with one another at any given time of the day. It matters not what our total numbers are. we would be more of a notable force with a third of our number and a cohesive method of communication. The one we have seems to dictate what "news" is reported based on personal and philosophical matchings or differences. With absolutely no reliable communication system, the effort to both warn and organize these groups is indeed akin to herding cats.

Hence, Microsoft has long realized the fallacy of The Linux Community. Unfortunately, some of us are just now coming to that realization. Honest reflection and assessment of the situation concludes that it may indeed be too late to rally the troops. Should RedHat be assimilated or destroyed, there is nothing much between the herd and the wolf pack. As of this time, we feel safe and insulated within our little distro bedroom communities. Our complacency, apathy and false sense of security will evaporate with one jolting, rude headline. The Trend Microsoft is setting, and indeed it may be perceived as a wise precedent to follow by making Novell-type deals; has only just begun.

Once enough of these "Linux Leaders" are contractually bound by their newly-formed agreements with MS, we are as vulnerable as children being beaten by the father while the mother looks on only able to weep and curse her impotent position.

No, the author is right. Microsoft has no intention of suing us. Servitude under the swiftly-approaching "Microsoft Internet Services" Corporation is more of what they have in mind for us.


May 15, 2007
10:36 PM EDT
>Servitude under the swiftly-approaching "Microsoft Internet Services" Corporation is more of what they have in mind for us.

And of course we who use Linux are the second class citizens of that dystopia. No full service for you. Upgrade to Vista if you want to enjoy the full set of features.

May 16, 2007
5:10 AM EDT
>And of course we who use Linux are the second class citizens of that dystopia.

I have trouble blaming Microsoft for that. I have grown to believe that we bring it on ourselves. As Helios points out, the "community" is really a vast plain dotted with warring micro-fiefs. Pretty easy pickings for an organized force.


May 16, 2007
8:13 AM EDT
A mortal insult, Dino! My warlord will be talking to your warlord. With sharpened weapons!

May 16, 2007
8:40 AM EDT
TC -

Bring it on! The pikes are sharpened and the oil is boiling nicely.

May 16, 2007
11:35 AM EDT
> Bring it on!

You do realize that TC has developed hot air balloons don't you Dino?

May 16, 2007
12:12 PM EDT
>You do realize that TC has developed hot air balloons don't you Dino?

NOOOOOOOO!!!! We're doomed.


May 16, 2007
2:32 PM EDT
Unless TC has a patent on Hot Air, Dino, you couuld just use your own hot arr and put some balloons together . . . .

pun intended ;-)

May 16, 2007
2:55 PM EDT
Or hot err...plenty of that around!


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