Thank You, Linus!

Story: Linus Torvalds Responds To Microsoft Patent ClaimsTotal Replies: 7
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May 15, 2007
7:06 PM EDT
I greatly appreciate Linus' input on the issue. That retort ought to receive a standing ovation.


Just for reference, Torvalds' statement supports my own position:, and that of Nick Petrely:

Essentially, Microsoft needs to "put up or shut up", to borrow from a dear, dear friend of mine.]

May 15, 2007
7:57 PM EDT
> That retort ought to receive a standing ovation. Ah yes, a capitol suggestion for all of us indeed. Hear, hear for Linus Torvalds!!


May 15, 2007
8:04 PM EDT
I was surprised to see him come out so quickly on this issue. I takes a *whole* lot to make that happen. Yes Linus, you're the man. And thank you, not just for setting the record straight, but for making the world unsafe for Microsoft.

May 15, 2007
8:11 PM EDT
For once, I join those ovations. Well said Linus.

May 15, 2007
8:14 PM EDT
I'll clap my hands for him. I am often quite critical of his stands (outside of the purely technical, where the man is a genius), but he's spot on here. Go, Linus!

May 16, 2007
5:14 AM EDT

There is a very high likelihood that Microsoft's patents are valuable only until they are enforced.

May 16, 2007
5:25 AM EDT
The thing I like about Linus is, he tries to stay out of most of the everyday BS that goes on but when he does weigh in with his opinion he gets right to the point and backs it up.

Even if you don't agree with him, at least you know that he isn't BS'ing you.


May 16, 2007
3:45 PM EDT
Indeed. Torvalds offends, because he doesn't use pointless prose. Telling someone exactly what you think is far more efficient than playing nice, and he never has to take anything back or "explain" later.

The problem is that few people are emotionally capable of hearing the truth. They react as if they are being personally attacked.

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