Better than SVJN's misleading headline

Story: Dell's Ubuntu Deal Still OnTotal Replies: 15
Author Content

May 16, 2007
1:23 AM EDT

Headline: "Dell drops consumer Linux desktops?"


Oh, just teasting us, Steven. The question mark is there.

May 16, 2007
6:49 AM EDT
And John Pope thanked LXer for bringing the matter to their attention. May I show and tell?

"I too went to the Direct2Dell blog site and couldn't find the post, but thanks to the query from LXwer it is back up with an apology from our chief blogger, Lionel Menchaca, for the unintentional removal:"

May 16, 2007
8:12 AM EDT
Feel the powah! Hooaah, LXer strikes again!

May 16, 2007
8:44 AM EDT
>Feel the powah! Hooaah, LXer strikes again!

I don't think we spend enough time thanking the Rev and Scott, et al, for the nice job that they do. And, in this instance, I emphasize "nice", as in catching more flies with sugar, etc.

Not to say that our resident ex-Marine Editor-in-Chief ain't tough, but he's not a poseur.

Reasonable, thoughtful people can reach across to those who might want to do A Right Thing (as opposed to The Right Thing) and help a little bit of good to happen.

I think the tone of Lxer improved immensely after the Rev took over, and it's credibility has climbed accordingly.

May 16, 2007
10:39 AM EDT
Quoting:I don't think we spend enough time thanking the Rev and Scott, et al, for the nice job that they do.

Hear, hear!

May 16, 2007
11:01 AM EDT
Metoo the hear hear and thank you!

May 16, 2007
11:14 AM EDT
3 virtual cheers for the editors! :)

May 16, 2007
11:22 AM EDT
Quoting:I don't think we spend enough time thanking the Rev and Scott, et al, for the nice job that they do.

You people are trying to make me blush aren't you? We'll..I think its working.

Seriously, Thank You for the compliments.

Coming from people of such staggering intellect and immense stature..makes it mean that much more..I just love laying it on think. LOL!

Quoting:I think the tone of LXer improved immensely after the Rev took over, and it's credibility has climbed accordingly.

I couldn't agree more, Don more than anyone is directly responsible for that.

My Grandfather used to say, "Son, you can't fly like an Eagle if your surrounded by Turkeys." I am lucky and grateful to be surrounded by Eagles at LXer.


May 16, 2007
11:43 AM EDT
> I don't think we spend enough time thanking the Rev and Scott, et al, for the nice job that they do.

Agreed. Kudos to all.

> Coming from people of such staggering intellect and immense stature.

Who would that be??? Oh, you mean TC. :) (my grandmother taught me to always be polite to ladies, and she had a cherry switch on hand in case I wasn't).

May 16, 2007
11:54 AM EDT
I'll chime in on that as well. They certainly go through a lot to make this a great place to be. And that it is.

May 16, 2007
12:15 PM EDT
>Coming from people of such staggering intellect and immense stature.


My intellect isn't staggering. It just gets a little tired from time to time.

As to my immense stature, I've been exercising and watching what I eat, so it's not quite so immense as it once was.

May 16, 2007
12:23 PM EDT
I'm going to be a ditto head here and climb on the praise express! This is the best site I've experienced for inobtrusive moderation and allowiing just enough lee way for slightly off topic posts. I really appreciate the work that the editors and moderators do. It also doesn't hurt that they have a good website designer to back them up.

You go, dudes!

Don K.

May 16, 2007
12:28 PM EDT
Me too.

LXer is great for Linux and FOSS in general. This is one of the resources we need as we move into the mainstream. Linux is better with LXer.

May 16, 2007
4:07 PM EDT
Me Three!

May 16, 2007
4:11 PM EDT
Me four. Big thanks all round :-)

May 16, 2007
10:25 PM EDT
Thanks for the big kudos! I really do enjoy what I do here. I have learned so much from all of you, and have gained a great deal of confidence in my skills in the past year. I'm grateful for the opportunity to try out my newfound love on people who have forgotten more than I've learned so far.

While I'm at it, we owe a great debt to the readers who keep tipping us off about possible stories! In many ways, the readers have been helping us find and define the news. Many thanks for that!

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