News flash 2009: Dell gets it right.

Story: Can Dell Fix Their Google Ad Campaign?Total Replies: 2
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May 18, 2007
6:13 AM EDT
Time warp.


The only things Dell teaches "customer-facing" people like technicians are cust service things like 1) Cool Sales-type features of "What Dell Sells" and 2) Always spin positively: Don't say "We can't do that," instead tell the customer what you *can* do.

This policy justifies just about anything.

Conversely, Dell allows customer-facing employees like technicians to do just about anything as long as you log "cust sat" as the reason.

This policy justifies just about anything.


DC, a third option is for Dell to stop advertising in the Google venue. This too is a kind of a vote.

Your other 2 options seem perfectly reasonable to me. In addition to the Ubuntu ad link you provide in the article, I've probably posted "The Dell Linux Links" here before:

The Dell Linux Marketing site The Dell Linux Engineering site

>Either way, people are more likely to get the right idea (that Dell is on the ball), instead of the wrong idea (that Dell is using a bait-and-switch tactic).

Dell "apparently" baits and switches, I've seen it a kajillion times. I wish more people would use Google's malice standard for judging it though. Especially in New York, they miss the lack of malice.

Most of the Bait/Switch I see at Dell is a natural result of Dell's patented JIT inventory system, much hailed when it was new in the early 90's.

For Dell's Patent Portfolio

Basically, JIT calls for shipping what there is too much of. You're warned of order delay if you want a low volume part in a system. The inventory is updated in near-real-time, so the sales site changes maybe about 12 times a day.

DC, If I read your article too carefully I discover that you have three hands. Hmm...

But please, keep up the good work!

May 18, 2007
9:13 AM EDT
> ...Basically, JIT calls for shipping what there is too much of.

Ah. That would be why Dell's special offers and such vary day by day and sometimes during different visits on the same day.

May 18, 2007
1:30 PM EDT
Yes, this is an 'apparent' bait-and-switch, but not due to malice (I never saw any), instead due to automation. (Wouldn't ya' know, I hear Dell sells computers...)

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