missed opportunity?

Story: Tux500: The End of a Campaign, the Beginning of a MovementTotal Replies: 8
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May 26, 2007
1:09 PM EDT
Congratulations, Bob and Ken! You made a lot happen in a short time.

It just occurred to me- shouldn't you have been calling this "Tux Racer?"


May 26, 2007
2:07 PM EDT
Why does the term copyright come to mind...hmmmmmmm

Trust me...it was indeed thought of.

May 26, 2007
4:11 PM EDT
Quoting:Why does the term copyright come to mind

I don't know. Because your mind is warped from the lack of sleep after all that hard work? Personally, I think the term "trademark" is more appropriate.

Now, get some sleep and watch the race :-)

PS: Did Chastain find another main sponsor or is it going to race with empty sidepods?

May 26, 2007
4:15 PM EDT
You can't stop me from humming the sprightly Tux Racer music, so there.

la la la la lalalala

May 26, 2007
5:17 PM EDT
TC, you're supposed to be too busy to know the Tux Racer music.

May 26, 2007
5:19 PM EDT
Woops, I forgot the grin. :-)

May 26, 2007
6:04 PM EDT
get some sleep and watch the race

Plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead. Right now we are busy getting ready for the tux500.com site to transform from campaign mode to new Linux user mode. Tux500 will be a clearinghouse for new linux users to gain information on Linux and FOSS opportunities. We are working in concert with dozens of Linux website owners and webmasters in organizing the information in easy-to-navigate menus and easy to understand terminology. I don't know how many "beginner linux" websites I've been to that have things such as "fstab", "cronjob" and "easy-to-follow" instructions like "First, you must manually edit the xorg.conf file ..." in the first paragraph.

Tux500.com will not strive to be a new linux user's website. Rather we will be the nice cop on the corner she can stop and ask clear, concise directions from. The opening page will lay out in no uncertain terms why Linux is the only logical choice for operating one's computer.

Besides, I've already slept...what was it...two days ago? Whaddaya want me to turn into, some sort of slakker?

Besides that, I just got some parts today from a kind Linux user that I may be able to use to finish one of these Komputers4Kids projects. One down, two more to go.

May 26, 2007
6:21 PM EDT
Ken -

While you're at it...

Hope you enjoy the race and a tall one.

May 26, 2007
8:11 PM EDT
thank you sir, I intend to do just that

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