Brownie points

Story: CEO of Mandriva: We will not go to Canossa - No deal with MicrosoftTotal Replies: 4
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Jun 19, 2007
2:07 PM EDT
I applaud the stance of Mandriva. A side benefit of this (perhaps) is garnering brownie points within the community. Mandrake used to be cream of the crop (I am told...I came into Linux at the end of the Mandrake years), and this could provide them the good will to gain back some of the community support they once enjoyed. I wish them great luck.

Jun 19, 2007
2:54 PM EDT
Yup. Smart move on Mandriva's part.

Jun 20, 2007
12:17 AM EDT
It also confirms my assessment of what Mandriva would do.

Jun 20, 2007
6:14 AM EDT
I like the way they phrased their response myself. "We will not go to Canossa." Given my relatively poor background in European history, I had to look up the reference, but it seems very appropriate.

Jun 20, 2007
6:20 AM EDT
> I had to look up the reference, but it seems very appropriate.


The question I have is, who's going? You could argue that it's Microsoft that's been forced to acknowledge the reality of FOSS and doing its penance. Of course, you would have to accept that Microsoft is so arrogant and has had its way so long that it doesn't properly understand the concept are simply transparent face-savers that make it bearable for them to make the trip.

Not that it's a long stretch.

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