If it's sauce for PJ, it's sauce for Dr. Keith...

Story: Open Source is Not InnovativeTotal Replies: 3
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Jun 24, 2007
2:49 AM EDT
>It's essentially a copy of another operating system

What a maroon. An utterly and completely dishonest maroon. The Dr. in his name means this guy should know better. Linux is not a copy of anything. It is a Unix workalike. Just like a BMW is a Ford or a Toyota workalike. Being a workalike means you show a certain face. It has nothing --- NOTHING -- to do with anything behind the face, which can be loaded to the gills with innovation.

>one percent -- were examples of radical innovation.

Ahem..."radical" innovation? Never mind the subjectivity inherent in making that call, but how much commercial software is an example of radical innovation? Radical innovation doesn't happen very often. If it did, it wouldn't be radical.

Jun 24, 2007
4:59 AM EDT
If being an "expert" on Innovation means that you can be as capricious as you like in its use and meaning, then he is definitely an "expert".

By the way, how does the concept of "Innovation" fall anywhere near the field of Psychology anyway?


Jun 24, 2007
5:19 AM EDT
>By the way, how does the concept of "Innovation" fall anywhere near the field of Psychology anyway?


Jun 24, 2007
6:38 AM EDT


As my Father would say in his darkly sarcastic tone..

"You know what the only thing money can't buy you is? Poverty."

I'm still not comfortable with how often he is right about things. ;-)

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