
Story: Open standards beat Microsoft 13 to 4Total Replies: 1
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Jul 19, 2007
10:26 PM EDT
I am happy to see that South Africans have their brains in the right place, concerning this matter.

Jul 20, 2007
3:53 AM EDT
It's because we are a poor-ish country and economics do influence IT decisions quite a bit. And with the political history being what it was, the word "freedom" probably has a nice ring to most.

What makes this a little weird though is that this country is still quite rampant with monopolies, including telecommunications companies. One would think Microsoft would have easy time dominating the market here. But, I suspect the reason they don't dominate in government is that government turns to the CSIR for a lot of their IT decisions, and the CSIR is very much a supporter of open source software.

Microsoft is still very big here as a development platform though. Far too much .NET development going on here.

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