How much does a misleading headline cost these days?

Story: Tattersalls dumps Linux 'complexity' for MicrosoftTotal Replies: 3
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Sep 05, 2007
7:15 AM EDT
Well, I don't know, but I bet Wagg-Ed does, and this ZD article proves it.

Some Australian company is going to phase out the use of 4 linux distros over the next 6 years. A six-year plan in corporate IT is a mere pipe dream, a fantasy, an ignorable "architecture objective". Until some drone with a charge number shows up, the average corporate IT worker and/or manager can Safely Ignore crapola like this.

But the general public doesn't know that, and C-level shaved "alpha" apes don't know this, so a misleading headline can work wonders. Right, astro-turfers and shillers?

Sep 05, 2007
7:22 AM EDT
Also, the "complexity" in the title refers to the IT mess created my merging 4 different Linux networks together, not from Linux itself.

What I can't uinderstand for the life of me though, is why standardize on Windows which is (a) sub-par and (b) all their IT folk now know Linux. Somehow though I predict that they won't pass the Alpha stage on this project.

Sep 05, 2007
7:34 AM EDT
I thought it was more an issue they had with licenses... ?

Sep 05, 2007
7:44 AM EDT
Upon re-reading that "article", I'd have to say that not only does it have a misleading headline, it's the worst gibberish I've ever read, in that I could almost understand it. Really good gibberish can't be understood at all, silly ZD.

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