Amsterdam : Decision on open source in December

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Sep 28, 2007
10:26 AM EDT
Quoting:17 September 2007 - All government agencies must change to open source software, the national government says in an action plan presented today. Amsterdam is already testing such software and will decide on whether to renew its Microsoft contract in December.

By changing to open source software, the municipality wants to reduce its dependence on companies such as Microsoft, while strengthening Amsterdam’s image as an ‘ICT city’. Open source software is currently being tested by the Zeeburg district and by the Housing Department. The outcome of the pilot will be discussed by the city council on 19 December.

If the outcome is positive, 10,000 municipality employees will change to open source software. Districts are invited to start using the software as well. Amsterdam claims to be the third major European city - after Munich and Vienna - to adopt open source software on such a large scale. The city is cited as an example in the national action plan presented today.

Photo: Amsterdam municipality. Amsterdam pilot (English, pdf), national action plan (in Dutch)

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