Gimpshop - not for me

Story: GIMPShop Review: GIMP Made FriendlyTotal Replies: 1
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Oct 16, 2007
6:38 PM EDT
I downloaded and tried out Gimpshop, hoping for this wonderful new cool editing tool.


All of the menus are switched around! I can't find ANYTHING!

...oh, I guess this shows that I've never used Photoshop. I've only ever used GIMP (well, and CorelPaint, but that's a different story altogether).

So - GIMP, anyone?

Oct 17, 2007
11:05 AM EDT
I'm another person who has almost never used Photoshop but now uses the GIMP pretty much all day, every day.

I'm using it enough that I should probably get that new GIMP book that just came out.

Most Photoshop users, however, have an adverse reaction to the GIMP because it's ... not just like Photoshop, so anything that can be done to get these people unchained from what is an expensive, slow, proprietary application is a good thing.

When I run MtPaint in Linux or IrfanView in Windows, people can't believe that such a small app can do just about everything they need. For what I'm doing now, I need the GIMP, but most people don't know that there are multiple alternatives to Photoshop.

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