missing the point again

Story: The Future of Trusted Linux ComputingTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Oct 19, 2007
11:46 AM EDT
As usual, MH's stream-of-consciousness misses the point. First of all I don't think anyone in their right mind wants to touch the term "Trusted Computing" with a ten-foot pole, because like all Microsoft-related terms it means the reverse. It's DRM with a vengeance, putting excessive control into hardware and software vendor's hands. It has little, if anything, to do with managed desktops, which is what the article seems to be about. And here, as with so many things, Linux leads the way with an assortment of nice tools for rolling out and managing customized desktops, without having to phone to home to some overly-intrusive vendor who is in the pocket of the MAFIAA and Microsoft to ask "mother may I."

The article also omits links to previous MH pieces on the subject and the supposed Linux Trusted Computing site, both of which are referenced. I might bestir myself to research this supposed Linux Trusted Computing later. Maybe.

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