Speaking of reporting...

Story: Sun Report Builder: Better reporting in OpenOffice.orgTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Oct 19, 2007
12:46 PM EDT
Speaking of reporting, about a month and a half ago I talked here in the forums about a library I'm working on that treats ODF as XSLT so you can process them like any other XML file, and that includes some handy templating tools. Well, yesterday I secured permission from my boss to release it as open source through my own website (the new company website is taking too long).

So, keep an eye out on the newswire for a release announcement in (hopefully) a week or so.

Oct 19, 2007
1:07 PM EDT
Outstanding, Sander.

I have been amazed at how little interest there has been in XSLT with ODF. I even went to a conference back in the spring where I put the question an IBM-websphere development manager and Google's Chris DiBona and got, for all intents and purposes, a great big "Huh?"

It's as if people are so caught up in the data format that they forget the power implicit in open and well-document XML - ie, the abiltiy to do amazing things without big applications.

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