Mint is Good

Story: Minty 4.0 FreshTotal Replies: 2
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Dec 04, 2007
6:43 AM EDT
It's almost a perfect desktop for newbies.

Good hardware detection, extremely user friendly, good video and audio support.

What I liked about it the most is the Main menu. It is a winning combination of KDE and XP menus. Unfortunately, the KDE based DE is not available yet. Very slick and easy to make me tolerate using GNOME but didn't make me like it. I will change when KDE release is available.

A side note about Linux proliferation:

My daughter goes to Northern MI Univ. She was so excited for me the other day she even made a special call to let me know that, the school help desk is installing and supporting Linux on the laptops of students who want it. Many of the students are getting a dual boot along with XP. By the way, every student at Northern gets a loaner laptop while they are at the U except those in arts, they get a Mac.


Dec 04, 2007
6:52 AM EDT
So, they're actually giving people the option to not use 'doze? Yays. That's PROGRESS. Our city's taking backward steps by beginning to use censorship -_-

Dec 04, 2007
7:21 AM EDT
Quoting:So, they're actually giving people the option to not use 'doze?

That specifically I don't know and I haven't it asked but will.

AFAIK, Students can install anything they want and responsible for their machines. The help desk will still support them during normal hours even for Linux. They even demonstrate running Linux to those who don't know what Linux is.

I am not sure whether this is a U plan or just an effort by the desktop support guys.

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