My thoughts on the article.

Story: Jesus Loves LinuxTotal Replies: 8
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Jan 30, 2008
5:47 AM EDT
I think that [deleted for TOS violation]. And furthermore the author's reference to [deleted for TOS violation] provokes thoughts of [deleted for TOS violation]. AAMOF, if you [deleted for TOS violation] then you will [deleted for TOS violation] and [deleted for TOS violation] while [deleted for TOS violation] at [deleted for TOS violation]. [deleted for TOS violation][deleted for TOS violation][deleted for TOS violation][deleted for TOS violation].

And that's what I think.

Jan 30, 2008
6:14 AM EDT
You're [deleted for TOS violation] beautiful, period.

Jan 30, 2008
6:23 AM EDT
Ok seriously, I thought it was Windows that had to be taken on faith...

Jan 30, 2008
8:07 AM EDT
Did anyone bother to read the comments on that article. Hoot, er, h00t I guess.

>>"What would Jesus do? He'd use Linux, that's what."

Jan 30, 2008
8:57 AM EDT

Did you click on the wrong "Next" and get the next article, where they talk about the fall of Windows during the economic crash of 2009, as written from the perspective of 2020?

Jan 30, 2008
10:07 AM EDT
Personally, I thought it was a great piece of humor. Gave me my first good laugh of the morning. And, the article was certainly peppered with a few "truths" it seems many have forgotten.

Jan 30, 2008
12:08 PM EDT
Quoting:Did anyone bother to read the comments on that article. Hoot, er, h00t I guess.

I did, got a bloody good laugh out of it.

Jan 30, 2008
2:48 PM EDT
Jesus loves Linux, there are several distros in Spanish and most of the bigger distros are multilingual. "Me gusto mucho", said Jesus.


Jan 30, 2008
8:54 PM EDT
The first post in this thread reminds me of a video where a congressman kept saying "Classified..." every other word or so.... lol*

(The source happens to be The Onion, but.... you get my point)

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