this is scary

Story: BRM is done... time to sleep :-)Total Replies: 8
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Mar 04, 2008
12:36 PM EDT
Mr. Jones' comments remind me of the Eckankar groups that wandered around Seattle back in the early 80s. They would walk around downtown in these tight little gaggles, chanting and totally oblivious to everything else- cars, other pedestrians, traffic signals. As far as I know they never got mashed by vehicles, which proves the existence of guardian angels.

This blog is just like that- he's walled himself off in some serene, delusional alternate reality that is unaffected by actual events. He has found his Happy Place and isn't coming out.

Mar 04, 2008
12:54 PM EDT
Lets just hope he stays there, and the world gets to not have OOXML as a standard, I don't see it as being cut and dried either way yet.

Mar 05, 2008
10:31 AM EDT
Heh, I'd like to hope that delusions of that depth and intensity are curable. But I'm not holding my breath.

It's amazing how much damage a single impossibly wealthy and ruthless entity can cause- leaving a wide swath of scorched earth on the ISO process, geez, what next? Eating kittens and babies raw? Oh wait, I guess it isn't amazing, given their complete and utter lack of morals, and the willingness of so many people to do anything for a paycheck.

Mar 05, 2008
11:30 AM EDT
Eckankar? That was a blast from the past.

Mar 05, 2008
12:34 PM EDT
Quoting:given their complete and utter lack of morals,

Don't you mean ethics.

Mar 05, 2008
12:42 PM EDT
Tracyanne, those too!

Mar 05, 2008
2:50 PM EDT
Colonel, those were interesting times. The streets were full of Jesus freaks, Moonies, Ecks, Hare Krishnas, traditional fire-n-brimstone shouters, and all kinds of others I forget. I rather miss those days, as it was a lot more interesting than the current climate of Vengeful $Deity.

Mar 06, 2008
7:15 AM EDT
Vengeful $Deity. That would be a good nick.


Mar 06, 2008
7:44 AM EDT
But, when I type "echo Vengeful $Deity." in, all I get is "Vengeful ."

Do I need to be running Windows? Here, let me check.

Funny, the wife's DOS prompt returns "Vengeful Flying Chair."

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