Not sure what the point is

Story: Hack Attack : Run Linux Apps Natively On Windows, OSXTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Mar 23, 2008
10:57 PM EDT
What am I missing here? Are there some awesome end user applications, written only for linux, that mac and 'doze fanboys have been drooling over? No? OK, I didn't think so. This is a solution searching for a problem.

The killer app of linux is linux, and if you eliminate that, there's really nothing of any particular interest remaining. It's the linux users who want a way to run the pesky legacy 'doze apps, not the other way around.

Mar 24, 2008
1:06 AM EDT
Makes me scratch my head, too...but

For those folks using Linux as their primary platform, it is nice to run the same apps on Windows that you can run on Linux -- especially when you run Windows for some work-related reason and cannot get somebody to spring for the equivalent Windows software.

OTOH - lots of Linux software is also Windows software -- Firefox, OpenOffice, the GIMP, Apache, PostgreSQL, Rails, MySQL, Abiword, Gnumeric, and more. For that matter, it seems like more Windows software is Linux software. Just recently, the very cool sampler Renoise joined the Linux camp.

And, of course, there has long been the Cygwin project.

Sigh. When you've got th itch, I guess...

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