Backups important!?! What about the disk space!?!

Story: Bacula: backups that don't suckTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Apr 23, 2008
5:21 PM EDT
Good systems administrators know that implementing a robust backup procedure is one of their most important duties. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most complex and least fun.

Ha ha ha ha! I thought that sending threatening "your directory is 1 Gb, delete stuff" emails was the system admin's most important duty, at least at multi-national corporations. A 250 Gb disk runs what, $70 down to Office Max, and they want to limit me, a developer, to 1 Gb? You've got to be kidding me.

Of course, the procurement and close monitoring of disk space is about all that corporate sysadmins have constrained themselves to do any more. "Repeatable Process", SOX, procurement regs, PCI, all have put walls around what can be done any more, to the effect of making real work impossible. Just keep the non-compliant, yet grandfathered-in systems running, since they do all the real work, and let the Offshore Subsidiary fritter away money on becoming CMM level 5 Compliant.

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