Nothing useful here it's Sam Varghese

Story: Outsider to lobby for OLPC Down UnderTotal Replies: 30
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May 07, 2008
7:52 PM EDT

May 07, 2008
8:31 PM EDT
then 2k, xp?

Cannot say that I've had much problems with Sam Varghese's insights. Now Matt Asay and Mary Jo Foley OTOH, are a different story..... hardcore M$ shills, speaking of Win nt, 2k and xp.

May 07, 2008
9:36 PM EDT
Matt Asay has a certain complexity that I've yet to completely figure out ...

May 07, 2008
11:17 PM EDT
The problem with Sam lately is mainly the OLPC project. He seems to have something against it for some reason, and I am having trouble understanding it all.

May 08, 2008
12:25 AM EDT
Quoting:and I am having trouble understanding it all.

That I can't fathom either.

May 08, 2008
2:59 AM EDT
Negroponte used to be at the UN. Maybe Sam is a closet John Bircher or something.



May 08, 2008
8:25 AM EDT
Quoting:Negroponte used to be at the UN. Maybe Sam is a closet John Bircher or something.

That can't be it...

May 08, 2008
9:28 AM EDT
With all due respect, one need not be a Bircher to think poorly of the UN these days. The food for oil scandal should be a hint...

May 08, 2008
9:38 AM EDT
> ...and Mary Jo Foley OTOH, are a different story..... hardcore M$ shills,

and David Coursey. Hopefully I spelled his name correctly.

May 08, 2008
9:47 AM EDT
You are so right _dino...

When I first heard of the food for oil scandal I felt troubled and disappointed. I did put the smiley there to note my comment as a joke

Nowdays I wish Washington DC's waste, corruption and dysfunction could be lowered to the level of the UN's

The UN almost seems to work compared to my own government.

I keep voting the bums out of office, but there seem to be an endless supply of bums waiting in the wings.

_dino, I live in Cook County. I cannot believe that my fellow citizens voted for our County president and that my fellow Illinoisans voted for our Governor.

If the voters keep choosing the bottom of the barrel, I don't really know of a solution.


May 08, 2008
10:13 AM EDT
>dino, I live in Cook County.

My sympathies in a big way.

Death by Toddliness.


May 08, 2008
10:31 AM EDT
The problem is we exported all of our democracy, so there's none left at home.

come and get me, TOS coppers!

May 08, 2008
11:18 AM EDT
TC --


PS -

I don't think it's a TOS violation unless the loss of democracy is God's fault.

May 08, 2008
11:39 AM EDT
Did we export it or did we outsource it?

May 08, 2008
12:48 PM EDT
> The UN almost seems to work compared to my own government.

You see more of your own government than you do the UN, number6x. If you could see them side by side, I'm afraid the UN would come out the worse, though probably not by a significant degree.

May 08, 2008
1:19 PM EDT
jdixon -

I suspect that the UN would come out worse, but probably less annoyingly so. Local government is responsible for lots of the things that make our everyday life go round: road repair, trash pickup, schools, law enforcement, etc.

The UN does some useful things, too, but is burdened with the yoke of international diplomacy -- ie, everybody's got a different national agenda -- and large sums of money made available -- and no accountability.

At least your local government is run by people who have to stand for election.

May 09, 2008
12:16 AM EDT
Quoting:The problem is we exported all of our democracy, so there's none left at home.

*sigh* Forgive me for being annoying... However, I need to point out that we are not a democracy (or rather, are not supposed to be). We are (supposed to be) a Constitutional Republic.

May 09, 2008
2:40 AM EDT
a Constitutional Republic:

for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.

Anyone taken this apart yet to see where it got broken?


May 09, 2008
3:00 AM EDT
It's broken where if manages to exclude all of those people who are atheists

the following is the original pledge

I pledge allegiance to my Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.

Much more inclusive, as it also, by leaving out any mention of God at all, manages to include those who worship many Gods, or none at all.

May 09, 2008
4:37 AM EDT
tracyanne -

You must be confusing us with some other nation. No atheists are excluded here. It's the law.

May 09, 2008
4:56 AM EDT
and yet the current pledge includes only those who believe there is a God. No Atheist can honestly take that pledge, as it requires that one believe there is a God. Atheists don't belive there are such things, so they cannot believe that any nation is a Nation under God, they are excluded because the pledge assumes that anyone taking the pledge believes a Nation can be a Nation under the very thing an Atheist does not belive exists. That is why the original pledge is more inclusive.

So while it is true, to my knowledge that the US does not exclude Atheists, the current pledge by it nature is broken, as it does.

May 09, 2008
6:07 AM EDT

May 09, 2008
6:34 AM EDT
The "under God" bit was added in the '50s. The original pledge didn't include it. Our tax dollars and glorious elected representatives at work:

thenixedreport, you are being annoying :). If you haven't heard the horrid phrase "exporting democracy" at least a million times in the past few years as an excuse for all manner of abuses, you haven't been paying attention.

May 09, 2008
7:18 AM EDT

That was added to keep those dern Godless communists from steeling our precious bodily fluids!

Now we borrow money from the communists to keep our government afloat! So maybe we should add a new line to the pledge to thank God for the communists!

May 09, 2008
11:13 AM EDT
I don't know how this got around to God ... but back to Mary Jo Foley. She's gotta be in bed with MS if only because that's what she's covering. But I find her to be very fair and critical enough about the way MS does business.

You can't expect her to be flying any sort of FOSS flag while covering the world's largest-by-far proprietary software company.

May 09, 2008
11:45 AM EDT
I think of Mary Jo as a 'Microsoft Insider'. She has an inside track and she won't print anything nasty about MS to compromise that.

But she's not quite a shill either.

Andy Inkhato used to be like that for Apple. I think the Performa line and a few other disasters at big red knocked some sense in him and he lets himself say bad things about Apple nowadays.

Maybe Vista will wake Mary Jo up from MS fairy tale land.

May 09, 2008
1:05 PM EDT
> So while it is true, to my knowledge that the US does not exclude Atheists, the current pledge by it nature is broken, as it does.

Except, of course, that no one is required to give the pledge any more.

I'm a lot more irritated by "indivisible" myself. The usual definition of a union includes the idea that it's voluntary. But that's a battle which was lost a long time ago.

May 09, 2008
2:21 PM EDT
Quoting:Except, of course, that no one is required to give the pledge any more.

That's actually not the point, the Question Helios asked is where was it broken.

Quoting:Anyone taken this apart yet to see where it got broken?

I answered that question.

May 09, 2008
7:00 PM EDT

May 10, 2008
6:03 AM EDT
rijel --

It looks like Nietzche had a better understanding of religion's place in the human fabric than most.

I keep hearing about religion causing wars and all kind of nastiness. The comment on the power of money transcending religion could as easily be expanded to the power of land, the power of , um, power, etc.

People have an uncanny power to corrupt anything for their purposes.

May 10, 2008
3:01 PM EDT
Quoting:So the great atheist and the son of God agree on something...if only people could see it more clearly.

I'd like to correct correct the unsupportable assumptions contained in this statement, but that would get us even further of subject.

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