Icons suck: use twm

Story: no more desktop icons in 4.1Total Replies: 4
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May 24, 2008
6:45 AM EDT
Let's all wake up and smell the coffee: icons suck, especially on "the desktop". Do they represent files, or executing proceses or "apps" or some other sub-moronic abstraction?

If Windows 3.11 hadn't had them, we wouldn't have to suffer through these kind of messes today.

So: use TWM, or else. You can set up twm's "icon managers" to just show the title of the window you just closed. Implicitly, icons, which now look like the only sensible way humans have ever developed to manage icons, the spines of books, only represent processes. File icons: just say no! Even Apple has abandoned the Holy Document-Centric Approach that gave us all the MSFT problems with viruses.

May 24, 2008
8:13 AM EDT
I like Windowlab and OLWM.

May 24, 2008
3:48 PM EDT
At one point I figured I actually never look at the desktop (maybe just after boot) so I wiped all icons off of it and left only wallpapers. Get me some better abstractions that don't get in my way ;)

May 24, 2008
5:14 PM EDT
Twm doesn't like me or my hardware. I much prefer Fvwm, which I've grown to like very much as the result of using it in OpenBSD.

May 25, 2008
8:22 PM EDT
Or, make all icons documents/launchers, and banish the minimized windows to a menu on the panel/dock.

I'm an Alt-Tab freak, anyway, so this fits my style perfectly.

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