Have you tried Netsurf?

Story: In search of the best OS for a 9-year-old laptop: Part I — Puppy or Damn Small LinuxTotal Replies: 4
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Jul 29, 2008
9:55 AM EDT
I'd be curious to find out how well Netsurf would work as a replacement for Firefox. It's modern, as opposed to Dillo, but far lighter than Firefox, much better for old systems.

I'm still trying to figure out adding packages to the latest Puppy. Puppy 3 allowed the installation of Slackware packages, but that's no longer true.

Jul 29, 2008
10:16 AM EDT
I downloaded Netsurf sources and I'm going to build it for my Vector Linux system and see how it plays. Another choice that would work for him is Opera, but it isn't Open Source.

Jul 29, 2008
10:24 AM EDT
In my tests (speaking from memory) with Debian Lenny, Netsurf used about 75% of the memory of Opera. I had previously used Opera for older computers because it is so much lighter than Firefox. There's no way Netsurf offers anything close to the functionality of Opera.

Jul 29, 2008
2:01 PM EDT
I have tried Netsurf, and it's pretty comparable to Dillo as far as speed goes. I'm going to be trying Opera very soon because a Web-based application I use that is supposedly IE only will also work with Opera. That's a great thing to find out because I'm not so hot on installing WINE and IE when I don't have to.

Yeah, Opera isn't FOSS, but it's more palatable than IE/WINE

Jul 29, 2008
2:14 PM EDT
I personally view non-FOSS as okay, provided no one tries to own my data or lock me into using their application. That seldom is the case, however.

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