It's kinda sad...

Story: Microsoft, Novell Expand Linux VirtualizationTotal Replies: 6
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Sep 12, 2008
11:26 AM EDT
that they have spent all this time getting Linux to work in VM on windows...

Quoting:"As a Unix guy at Microsoft, it's good to see this collaboration happening. We're now stepping from an environment where most virtualization is Windows on Windows or Linux on Linux and we're crossing those and that will open up some new doors."

I mean, vmware and virtualbox and qemu have been doing linux guests on windows hosts for years.... Given, they don't have the ability to "manage Linux from Microsoft Systems Center Operations Manager". Whatever that means.

Sep 12, 2008
12:54 PM EDT
I'm also rather disappointed that this is the apparent extent of their work. Novell sales droids seem enthused about this, but I don't know any linux shops that have been hoping and waiting to virtualize their linux servers under microsoft control.

Of all the things we might have hoped for, by way of some tangible benefit from all the supposed interoperability work, this sad little check box is all they have to show for it?

Where's the beef?

Sep 12, 2008
1:23 PM EDT
Why. why. WHY would anyone in their right mind run Linux, or any real operating system, on top of Windows? I suspect mental illnesses are more rampant than we realize.

LOL "sad little check box." No kidding!

Sep 12, 2008
1:59 PM EDT
Quoting: "Linux running in a VM on top of a MS host platform..because everyone wants to put their Corvette on top of a skateboard."

Sep 12, 2008
10:06 PM EDT
There are some small benefits.

-If Linux under 'Hyper V' doesn't work well, at least Microsoft has to do something about it, -I understand Microsoft will anounce one of the coming days that it's buying Citrix. That might mean less funds for Linux on Xen. -Some 'Windows only' shops can now run Linux with Microsoft support. Not that it's of much help, but some 'Windows only' shops just want Microsoft support for anything including tieing their shoelaces.

Sep 13, 2008
8:27 AM EDT
> ...but some 'Windows only' shops just want Microsoft support for anything including tieing their shoelaces.

Well, a hangman's noose is rather difficult.

Sep 13, 2008
3:16 PM EDT
Quoting:Well, a hangman's noose is rather difficult. thread through the little holes in their shoes.

With Windows, they're tying their shoes with nooses, whether they realize/admit it or not.

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