Second Life..

Story: Second Life Convention: Pondering the 3-D InternetTotal Replies: 7
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Sep 14, 2008
5:30 PM EDT
Actually First Life for those that don't got a life. It's boring as all get up. Mandriva comes with the Second Life client, so I gave it a go to find out what Second Life is all about, I wandered here I wandered there, I even met some Linux Geeks who needed a Second Second life just to get a life, in the end I left my avatar standing on top of some tall building on some island, I've forgotten where.

Sep 14, 2008
5:46 PM EDT
It's all down to taste. I play Second Life and have met some fantastic people there who I now consider to be friends. It's a great place, with some very talented and clever people who create fascintaing and varied sims. All in all it's a great experience. You certainly have to have the right personality and the right type of imagination to immerse yourself in it. I can totally understand why some people wouldn't like it, but that doesn't mean it's not a great game.

Sep 14, 2008
11:41 PM EDT
Well that certainly rules me out, I don't enjoy most computer games, I'd rather read a book, and once I work out how the game works I lose interest very quickly.

Sep 15, 2008
2:10 AM EDT
Quoting:You certainly have to have the right personality and the right type of imagination to immerse yourself in it.

In other words, you certainly have to have the right personality and the right type of imagination to... be a geek? ;) I have to admit that the idea seems appealing to me, but I quickly found out that I don't have enough time for one life...

Sep 15, 2008
2:30 AM EDT
No, being a geek doesn't automatically line up with enjoying Second Life.

I'm definitely a geek, but the thought of immersing myself in SL is far-fetched at best.

Sep 15, 2008
7:11 AM EDT
I don't generally like computer games either, Traceyanne! I also love reading and can really immerse myself in a good book. I don't think it's a typical computer game and I don't think it's really something you work out how it works.

To my mind it's a giant chat room with great graphics where, if you are that way inclined, you can be very creative in setting up sims, writing scripts etc. Otherwise you can just roam around metting people and enjoying it.

I am not sure it's being a geek (although I might be missing a humerous point there, jezuch :)

For me, one big pleasure is you get to meet lots of fascinating people and really find out what makes them tick. People tend to be very open and you really get an insight into what drives them.


Sep 15, 2008
8:23 AM EDT
Oddly most of our friends we met on World of Warcraft. It's bloomin' expensive friends though since we tend to send care packages on a regular basis. Actually right now we are anticipating our next supply of stroopwafels from the Netherlands.

Sep 15, 2008
8:45 AM EDT
Quoting:To my mind it's a giant chat room

But there's the thing. I don't do chat rooms either.

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