This is the first site to mention this event. . why is that?

Story: Linux Reaches Out To Portland - Lindependence 2008Total Replies: 10
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Oct 28, 2008
2:49 AM EDT
Hello All, I am wondering why this event has not garnered more attention in the other Linux news sites? The sites I know are,,, (granted they are UK based), and there is no mention of Lindependence on any of these sites.

I applaud Ken and all the other volunteers and Linux advocates that get out there into the community and actually do something to get Linux out to the masses.

I have, over the past 18months been working with Linux and through all the growing pains have come to rediscover the joy of working with a computer. I now share this joy with other people. Showing them FOSS if they want to stay on a Windows computer, or donate extra computers I have pre-loaded with Linux if they are interested.

I am just wondering why other sites have not mentioned this event.


Oct 28, 2008
2:55 AM EDT
Storyteller, There are other sites?

The next Lindependence will be in Taos, NM. See you there!

Oct 28, 2008
10:33 AM EDT
Linux Today has published wads of Lindependence stories. Linux Journal are weiners. I think has run one story. You can help by politely bugging them, and sending links to Ken's blog and other sources.

Oct 28, 2008
10:56 PM EDT
Mandriva, at least in the form of Adam Williamson, has made it know to Ken that they will help out by supplying discs - of Mandriva, of course.

Oct 29, 2008
12:00 AM EDT

I do not know why more FOSS related news sites (Linux Today being an exception) have not tried to cover or even made mention of the Lindependence events. On behalf of LXer I will tell you that we have given Lindependence as much exposure on our newswire as possible without violating our own terms of service. We have not been able to send someone to cover a Lindependence event yet but if an opportunity arises to do so, we will.


Oct 29, 2008
1:49 AM EDT
Hello Scott, I realized (too late) that I should have started out my post with congrats to LXer for being the first site to mention Lindependence 2008.

I am a noob with regards to the ins and outs of why some sites would not cover this event. But, perhaps instead of complaining about the lack of coverage I should step up and be an active participant in promoting Linux. ;-}

I wonder if Lindependence would travel north of the 49th?

Oct 29, 2008
4:50 AM EDT

Whether or not helios can make that trip, who says you can't be the point geek? That's one great thing about Lindependence: the how's and wherefore's are all available, so that others may build on it. It's the Open Source philosophy applied to public promotion.

Oct 29, 2008
1:57 PM EDT

I have to jump in here: Linux Today and LXer have been absolutely on the ball when it comes to Lindependence, so tuxchick and Scott are right on the money here (and thanks, guys!). I am grateful for the coverage from Linux Today and LXer, as if that needs saying. Also, there's something to be said for tuxchick's assessment regarding Linux Journal, too, and sometimes editors need a good swift kick in the . . . knee to get their attention (being one myself, I should know).

As for other publications, who can say? Not to labor the point, but I think it's more important to get the Lindependence message out to the mainstream media and to people who are not yet Linux users moreso than getting the message out in the Linux media. Folks who read the Linux media (lurkers notwithstanding) already know how great Linux is, and most recognize the value to personal freedom that Linux holds for everyone, not just the select few with programming skills. Therefore, most Linux users see the value of our efforts.

Interestingly -- things you heard neither in the mainstream nor in the Linux press -- on the same day that we had our event in Portland, 23 towns in Italy did the same thing; not in conjunction with us so much as this kind of event is commonplace in Europe. We could stand to take a page from their playbook, and Lindependence does just that.

As for Lindependence north of the 49th, drop me an e-mail, eh? Of course, gus3 is right -- no reason why you can't do it up there without helios or me (but chances are if you organize it, we will come).

[In addition, Mandriva's Adam Williamson is in Vancouver, I believe, so there's already a Canadian connection.]

Larry Cafiero Lindependence 2008 (Coming soon: Lindependence 2009)


Oct 29, 2008
3:27 PM EDT
Hello Larry, I have been looking around the various 'net sites seeing who else has covered Lindependence in the past and can agree that LXer and LinuxToday have definitely stood head and shoulders above the other sites in reporting on this event.

I look at my original post and see that I was too quick to criticize LXer. My frustration about not seeing anything must have boiled over and this is where I released. My apologies.

I will have to touch bases with Adam as I am also based in Vancouver.

Regards, Storyteller

Oct 29, 2008
5:04 PM EDT
In my dealing with Adam, which is admittedly only via the Mandriva Forums, he seems like a very pleasant person to deal with.

Oct 29, 2008
11:44 PM EDT
So you know Storyteller, I never construed your comment to be an insult to LXer. I read it as just a question asked out loud of why you had only seen it here and at LT, which is a fair question. I hope you did not think I was upset in any way because I am not.

As I re-read my response, it does seem a little defensive I admit. ;-)


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