Story: How to sync Evolution with Google's PIM appsTotal Replies: 4
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Dec 13, 2008
1:20 PM EDT
When did Evolution get fast? It always eat my processor alive and never really closes when I close the program, it just keeps spinning in the background.

And when did Google's gmail interface get slow? I have always found it nicely responsive. And it closes when I close my web browser.


Dec 13, 2008
5:14 PM EDT
Evolution always works fine on my computers. Define fast. Evolution loads as fast as any other application, on my computer, and faster than some, like OO.o and the GIMP. Once it's loaded, I leave it loaded with an Icon in the system tray, but whether it's installed or not, it makes no difference to the performance of my computer.. Emails go out just as fast as when I'm using Thunderbird, and they arrive just as fast. Writing an email is no slower whether I use Evolution or some other email client, so please define fast.

Dec 15, 2008
12:39 AM EDT
> When did Evolution get fast?

Evolution loads slower than most email programs I've used, but then I'm only running it, not the rest of Gnome, so it has to load all of the required Gnome libs when it loads. If it didn't require all of the Gnome libs, then i suspect it would be as fast as any other. It seems to compose and send email as well as any I've tried.

I don't use it to receive mail, so I've never noticed a problem with it staying running in the background. I suspect it only does so when it's set to get mail.

I get my mail via fetchmail, and normally read my mail with elm. However, many people now insist on sending HTML and graphic based emails, so I have to use a graphical email client when I need read them. Evolution is the only currently maintained one I've found which lets me set its inbox as my local mail file. All the others insist on copying (or worse, moving) my mail file to their own inbox, which is not what I want.

Dec 15, 2008
1:10 AM EDT
Evolution isn't an email program, it'a full calendaring/Contact management/appointments suit, of course it loads slower than a stand alone email clients. Mind you it's not that much slower, a second or 2 slower to load, and is hardly in my experience worth worrying about considering what it does.


Dec 15, 2008
7:36 AM EDT
> Evolution isn't an email program, it'a full calendaring/Contact management/appointments suit,

But I only use it for email. I don't care about the rest. So I compare it to other email programs. I should add that it also seems to be the most stable of all the graphical email programs my wife has tried.

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