Apple Ending DRM in iTunes

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Jan 06, 2009
3:21 PM EDT

Quoting:"Over the last six years songs have been $0.99 [79p]. Music companies want more flexibility. Starting today, 8 million songs will be DRM free and by the end of this quarter, all 10 million songs will be DRM free," he told the crowd.

Jan 06, 2009
4:38 PM EDT
But locking down their hardware:
Quoting: Apple's new MacBook lines include a form of digital copy protection that will prevent protected media, such as DRM-infused iTunes movies, from playing back on devices that aren't compliant with the new priority protection measures. The Intel-developed technology is called High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) and aims to prevent copying of digital audio and video content as it travels across a variety of display connectors, even if such copying is not in violation of fair use laws.

Jan 06, 2009
5:00 PM EDT
*sigh* Why am I not surprised...

At least the DRM removing is a slight step in the right direction. Of course, with Apple and MS both trying to embrace HDCP and such (doesn't Vista implement it?), there may not be too much end-user benefit.


Jan 06, 2009
6:42 PM EDT
Trying? Apple has been implementing HDCP for quite a while now. It just has never been an issue before. Two things need to happen before HDCP gets in your way:

1) You need a HDCP-enabled monitor 2) The copyright holder of the content needs to set the bit that disallows playback on non-HDCP devices

HDCP has been around for a while, but HDCP enabled monitors have not. Even most HD-Ready ad Full-HD TVs sold are not HDCP ready. Also, until recently no content owner used the bit that prevents playback (because they knew nobody had the monitors).

Jan 06, 2009
7:23 PM EDT
It's just the broadcast flag, warmed over, isn't it?

Jan 07, 2009
3:08 AM EDT
Of course it is.

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