
Story: Red Hat Offensive Patent StrategyTotal Replies: 0
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Mar 16, 2009
8:58 AM EDT
I think this is good. Maybe giving some money to the government will get some favors done wink! wink!.

What we need is some kind of patent nuclear war with software.

Let's get everyone involved IBM, Novell, microsoft, Red Hat, Ubuntu, cisco, linksys, oracle, and more. Lets just flood the government with a patent war and then maybe they will learn and get some true software patent reform passed.

I work for a company that just patented something but all it describes is protection against sync flooding. Which every firewall has been doing for last +fifteen years.

I emailed the person who filed the patent and they said it is all in the algorithm and speed. I said I didn't know you could patent speed and math. Haven't heard back from the person since.

These patents are a joke and I blame the CEO and lawyers for these companies. They are dishonest and lie period end of story. And we wonder what is wrong with the economy. We have these type of people in high places in these companies making immoral, despicable, and dubious legal decisions.

Sort of makes the questionable contracts they have with microsoft, oracle, and others look like kindergarten play.

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