Theres more to mono

Story: Mono Again: the Controversy That Won't QuitTotal Replies: 0
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Apr 03, 2009
5:28 AM EDT
than F-Spot, Beagle, Gnome Do, and diva which are rather trivial.

Mainsoft ( uses Mono for their Grasshopper product which allows ASP.NET applications to be deployed on J2EE servers.

Medsphere ( The Medsphere OpenVista software allows physicians to access complete patient health information at the point of care, and it runs on both Windows and Linux, thanks to Mono. Medsphere customers now have the flexibility to choose the OS that is right for them, without worrying about application availability. See the screenshots (

Interopix ( is using Mono.NET on a FreeBSD based server to provide back-end communications with in-field alarm and automation controllers. The server was designed to securely collect configuration and status data from many thousands of in-field systems and provide that information to users via a web application running on the same server. This is a commercial application.

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