
Story: Default Password ListTotal Replies: 13
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Apr 13, 2009
1:15 AM EDT
The black hats and vendors already know these, and I endorse the radical notion of the actual router owners knowing them too!

Apr 13, 2009
1:34 AM EDT
... and those whose LAN's depend on the security of these routers. (Even if the users don't own the routers.)

Apr 13, 2009
11:22 AM EDT
I've used this service for recovering a router I didn't have the original paperwork for. I think it's wonderful.

Another subject to add to the public school curriculum, after firearms safety and how to handle money: Changing the root password of your equipment.

Heck, even if it's not a GOOD password, any change is better than none.

Apr 13, 2009
4:19 PM EDT
SGI used to ship workstations and servers with a demo account called Out Of Box with no password. I always was amazed when I got to take over the administration of an SGI box that still had that account in place with root privileges, no less. Never underestimate the ability of people who should know better to completely ignore anything even vaguely related to security. Too many home users don't even try to or want to know better. Passwords are just an inconvenience to them.

Apr 13, 2009
4:36 PM EDT
I think most people want nothing more complex than their car.

It comes with one, used to be two, keys. That's it. The owner doesn't change it, the key "just works".

But one doesn't have to remember the numbers on your key in order to open the door.

Apr 13, 2009
4:53 PM EDT
Very topical conspiracy theory:

We have had an unusually cold winter and the temperatures are staying below normal in the Chicago area: http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2009/04/cubs-colorado-hom...

This may add support to the pirates and global warming correlation conspiracy (see point #3 Coincidence): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_caus...

As more nations join the fight against global warming they are, apparently (if you apply faulty logic) causing the increase in Piracy on the high seas!

I don't know if the unusually large MPAA, RIAA and BSA 'piracy' figure are also related to the reduction of greenhouse gases, but you really shouldn't rule out any connections that can be made in a crack pot theory.

Apr 13, 2009
6:26 PM EDT
The MafiAA opening their yaps contributes to global warming and noxious pollutants.

Apr 13, 2009
6:41 PM EDT
but _gus, an increase in global warming would reduce piracy and we seem to be in a period of increasing piracy.

Maybe we have to add a few extra rules to the original correlation to allow for any observed deviation.

"If Elvis is observed eating a burrito at a circle k, then gas emission and piracy can both increase."

See easily explained.

Elvis was a recording artist, so he is allowed as a rule in modifying gas emissions from record execs.

(I'm going to skip the gas emissions from a burrito eating Elvis, but I think they are the source of many UFO sightings and not related to pirates, global warming or ninjas.)

I love conspiracy theories!

Apr 13, 2009
7:47 PM EDT
number6x: No matter how paranoid or conspiracy minded you are, what your government is doing is worse than you can imagine.

Apr 13, 2009
9:08 PM EDT
Thank you Colonel, you practically took the words right out of my fingers.

Apr 14, 2009
8:24 AM EDT
> you practically took the words right out of my fingers.

I couldn't agree more.

Apr 14, 2009
11:02 AM EDT
I live in Illinois.

Both major parties are fighting for the best rooms at the local federal penitentiaries.

Our strongest third party is backed by Lyndon Larouche.

I don't think anyone can imagine worse government than we have, and I am completely amazed by how little attention people pay to it!

I could not understand why people voted for either of our last two governors (especially with Rod Balgojevich's ties to his father in law). I am proud of my wife who was singled out by Dick Mell's chief of staff as the single reason his puppet candidate lost the vote in the 18th precinct of the 35th ward.

All it takes is paying attention and remembering that you cast the vote that affects your tax bill, so put a little thought into it.

Don't just vote for "that nice young man with the hair".

Most phony conspiracy theories are more plausible than my local government, pirates and global warming included! People asked for a conspiracy theory, and I supplied. I don't even want to start with the conspiracy of dunces!

Maybe we should elect pirates! Arrgh!

Apr 14, 2009
11:35 AM EDT
>> I could not understand why people voted for either of our last two governors...

Perhaps you have a problem similar to Detroit. [url=http://www.freep.com/article/20090407/COL10/904070358/City s registered voters exceed eligible citizens]http://www.freep.com/article/20090407/COL10/904070358/City s...[/url]

Apr 14, 2009
11:54 AM EDT
If only those extra voters would elect more pirates!

Former congressman, and inmate, Dan Rostenkowski used to tell a joke about a nice old lady he met from Hammond Indiana.

When she died she had arranged to be buried in a cemetery in Cook County Illinois. It seems she was a life long democrat and wanted to keep voting that way after she passed away.

Stop Global Warming: Vote Pirate!

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