I agree with the comment that reads...

Story: SLED 11: a distro for businesses, not idealistsTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Apr 15, 2009
4:01 PM EDT
"How about doing some real work for a change and digging into those features that really matter for businesses, like the tools Novel provide to automate installation and patch management for thousands of SLED installs? Where wasn't a single mention of Zenworks in that article. Show us your experiences using Zenworks to install and patch a SLED system; then compare it to Redhat's RHN Satellite (using Kickstart and reposync) or if you can't afford that (it's expensive) trying using the Open Source upstream Spacewalk server.

How about giving us something different for a change. Something that businesses can actually get some value from."

That comment to the original article was spot on. They covered things that can be done in any off the shelf free distro. Nothing they highlighted was unique to SLED or justifies the $120 per desktop price tag. Pointing out Adobe Acrobat Reader as THE example of included non-free apps is silly since it is, again, easily added to many distros and included in many distros. There are unique things that Novell brings to the table. This article ignored them.

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