Well, sort of...

Story: IBM picks open-source in Oracle database fightTotal Replies: 0
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Apr 24, 2009
11:31 AM EDT
While EnterpriseDB's products are based on open source PostgreSQL, their extensions are not open source. If they were, it would be really cool...

What I'd love to see besides that is EnterpriseDB and GreenPlum to merge their PostgreSQL extensions... They both add some really cool stuff to PostgreSQL, and if it were all open sourced or even if EnterpriseDB and GreenPlum were to merge, it would make PostgreSQL a truly enterprise level competitor to Oracle. I'm not sure how IBM would like that though, because if you could combine EnterpriseDB's Oracle compatibility and performance tweaks with GreenPlum's shared nothing parallel clustering scalability it might also kill DB2 EEE...

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