To sad for words

Story: The EU Parliament still sticks with Microsoft. Here’s why.Total Replies: 0
Author Content

May 16, 2009
7:41 PM EDT
The European Union funds research of the costs and benefits of OSOSS, great things have been written by UNU-MERIT (United Nations University in Maastricht, NL, EU), OSOR / former IDABC which covers _real_ case studies conducted in the EU itself and the COSPA-project which is funded through the 6th framework; especially researches the cost / benefits in € of migration.

And then they're going to use the study of an American based Bill Gates owned company? They're completely out of their mind. I think they (those MP's with a gazillion different totally other cases on their mind - like Afghanistan, Iran, Gay marriages etc. I saw on their page) need help. I assume their mailbox is full of **** just like mine. So let the printer roll and let's buy some Belgian stamps... And then pray the 'nice' EP's are in Brussels and those few French arrogant ****** didn't send them to Strasbourg again.

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