The return of MIPS

Story: The Loongson-2 MIPS Lemote Yeeloong NetbookTotal Replies: 17
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May 22, 2009
4:36 PM EDT
This makes two MIPS based netbooks announced within a week. It looks like MIPS is going to seriously compete with ARM for the low end processor market. Competition is always a good thing.

May 22, 2009
4:43 PM EDT
Think of how many chumby like devices we are going to see with more MIPS and ARM based programmers and developers learning on these devices.

I laugh at Windows Desktop dominance... 2011 will be the year of the Linux kitchen!

May 22, 2009
5:04 PM EDT
Hmmmm......The Linux kitchen.

I want one with a fast CFPU.

May 22, 2009
5:15 PM EDT
Perfect for tuxchick's USB toaster.

May 22, 2009
5:29 PM EDT
USB toast, brought to you by tasty MIPS.

May 22, 2009
6:29 PM EDT
Quoting:I want one with a fast CFPU.

Are you complaining the Canadian Army Film and Photo Unit is too slow? Only freakin' Americans have something against Canadians, isn't it?

May 22, 2009
6:39 PM EDT
Well here we go.... A nice detailed and technical article about a new piece of gear completely ignored and turned into a joke on Who would believe such a thing? How can such things happen? Doesn't have any standards? What about all the poor Chinese children who might benefit from such technology... or not?

May 22, 2009
7:12 PM EDT
Quoting:A nice detailed and technical article about a new piece of gear completely ignored

Let me make it up to you: Keep an eye on PixelQi headed by Mary Lou Jespen ( and their announcements at Computex (early June) and TechCrunch Netbook Conference in July, and find out if and how David Katzner is involved. They (PixelQi) are working on an LCD readable in sunlight which only consumes 25% to 50% (I say: Believe the 50%) of current LCD's, and almost have samples of working 10,1" screens. As far as I can tell they are a few months behind their original scheme, so I expect the screens to ship just before Christmas '09, but that's my uneducated guess. Probably will go in the OLPC2 as well; if the latter will eventually proof not to be vapourware. That - together with Longsoon or other MIPS (Cortex A9?) will bring the 8-hour netbook you are longing for.

Now can I please go offtopic again?

May 22, 2009
7:19 PM EDT
I didn't know you needed my permission :) I just thought some faux righteous indignation would spawn more discussion... or at least more snarky comments :)

I need to look up this TechCrunch Netbook Conference you speak of. I hadn't heard of it before.

May 23, 2009
10:17 AM EDT

Are you referring to the Chinese children who will learn to program on these devices and then get rich manufacturing devices for our Linux Kitchens? Or the Chinese children who will be working in factories to make them?

'The Year of the Linux kitchen' was a joke, but the idea that this will spawn a whole new crop of young developers is not.

May 23, 2009
10:52 AM EDT
Well frea speach to you too, ms martin! Your mama!

I'm happy to see some real alternatives to x86, which became dominant despite its ingenious kludginesses. It's like American cars of the 50s-- big, hot, noisy fuel hog. Make it go faster by making it bigger. Louder = more power.

Continuing this absolutely brilliant analogy, Windows is the gaudy chrome and steel slathered all over these inefficient monsters. Every new model is released with great fanfare and promises of Better! Lots Better! No, Really! But nothing has really changed; just more chrome and bigger fins. Moooo.

I wonder if the hardware specs are open? The article claims that RMS uses the Yeelong.

May 23, 2009
12:49 PM EDT
So RMS really is a commie hippie.

May 23, 2009
8:22 PM EDT
Quoting:I didn't know you needed my permission :)

Needer did I, but it seems LXer doesn't need me at all to go OT. Look above, QED.

May 23, 2009
8:50 PM EDT
I didn't know you had to be a commie or a hippie to use a Chinese computer. My Sylvania was made in China. Does that mean people will think I'm a pinko commie or a hippie?

May 23, 2009
9:17 PM EDT
+90% of all socks are made in China as well. But only commies were socks I guess.

May 24, 2009
12:08 AM EDT
If there are some poor Chinese children who can read and understand this thread..I really do feel sorry for them..;-)

You all had that one comin'..

May 24, 2009
1:43 AM EDT
Quoting:My Sylvania was made in China. Does that mean people will think I'm a pinko commie or a hippie?


May 24, 2009
8:26 AM EDT
Quoting:Quoted: My Sylvania was made in China. Does that mean people will think I'm a pinko commie or a hippie?

Unless you are paying the lowest rates possible for contract manufacturing for items sold at a premium in the wealthy states. Then you are an upstanding Capitalist accommodating the Commie entrance into the first world. Doing all you can to preserve serfdom.


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