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Story: This week at LWN: New rules for software contractsTotal Replies: 0
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Jun 06, 2009
11:15 AM EDT
And it is a heck of a good deal. Reading 305-pages of software license "principles" is truly heroic.

The article also reinforces the often-expressed bewilderment by Groklaw readers that the law seems like a big mushy mess, and laws themselves are nothing more than brawl-starters, and the best-funded litigant wins via attrition. It didn't seem like PJ ever understood this viewpoint; she was always full of praise for smart judges and brilliant lawyers, and SCO dragging baseless lawsuits out for years was business as usual. From the LWN article:

Quoting: In the U.S. justice system, the written law which emerges from the legislative branch is just a starting point. The actual law that one must follow is determined by the rulings of a wide variety of courts across the country. At times, divergent rulings can result in different interpretations of the same law in different regions. The process of creating a coherent set of high-court precedents can be long and messy, and it can create a great deal of uncertainty while it is happening. Uncertainty about the law is never a good thing.

But the uncertainty seems to be a fundamental and deliberate foundation of law.

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