A world of pain

Story: PainTown - Open-Source, 2D Fighting Game for LinuxTotal Replies: 4
Author Content

Aug 10, 2009
2:19 AM EDT
Well, I suspect the author is going to be in a world of pain somewhere in the near future. A cursory glance at the character selection screen shows copyright/trademark infringement on at least half a dozen franchises.

- Blanka (Street Fighter, Capcom) - Ryu (Street Fighter, Capcom) - Wolverine (X-Men, Marvel) - Goku (Dragonball Z, Shueisha) - Venom (Spider-man, Marvel) - Donatello (Ninja Turtles, Mirage) - Maxima (Superman, DC Comics)

Etcetera, etcetera. Most of the above companies are pretty protective of their trademarks.

Aug 10, 2009
8:07 AM EDT
Is it copied by name only, or by appearance and abilities also?

Aug 10, 2009
8:18 AM EDT
Appearance definitely. I even suspect that the graphics have been copied directly from other games because all the characters have very different graphic styles and even different image resolutions (i.e. Goku looks pixellated as if ripped from a much older game than Blanka or Wolverine).

Aug 10, 2009
8:47 AM EDT
I downloaded the package and did some image searching. It seems that the Street Fighter and Marvel characters are directly ripped from "Marvel v.s. Capcom" published in 1998. The Donatello graphics come from an early 1990's SNES or Sega Genesis version of the game. If I had to guess, I'd say "TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist" from 1992. Goku is ripped from one of the Dragon Ball Z games from the SNES.

In short: stay well away from this game. It's one big copyright and trademark infringement fest.

Aug 10, 2009
9:20 AM EDT
Better yet:

Get a life. Don't be a gamer.

/me ducks

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