Nice review. Better than most.

Story: OpenSUSE 11.2 the Perfect KDE DistributionTotal Replies: 3
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Oct 27, 2009
6:55 AM EDT
And it doesn't bother me at all that "perfect" is in the eye of the beholder. Preferences in Linux distributions have always been personal, after all. Back when I still used Debian (and loved it), I was surrounded by rabid Slackheads. Who cares? That's part of the fun.

The reviewer provided enough information to make me consider going back to Suse after some (not-quite) miserable months with Ubuntu. There is that KDE 4.x, thing -- but maybe I can get past that.

Oct 27, 2009
7:13 AM EDT
> ...I was surrounded by rabid Slackheads.

As if you're still not. :)

> And it doesn't bother me at all that "perfect" is in the eye of the beholder.

It doesn't bother me either, but there's still no sense on piling on someone who points out that the person is exaggerating. After all, it's not like it's Slackware or something. :)

> There is that KDE 4.x, thing -- but maybe I can get past that.

I haven't read the review myself, since I have no interest in SuSE, open or not. OK, a quick check reveals that it has KDE 4.3, so it'll probably be OK. KDE 4.2 was apparently what 4.0 should have been. I still have to upgrade my Slackware box to 13.0, which will let me test out KDE4.

Oct 27, 2009
9:40 AM EDT
KDE4 is already up to 4.3.2 in Slackware -current, if you're interested.

Side note: I just realized something. Once in a while, something goes "not quite right" in -current. That puts it about on par with every official Windows release I've seen.

Oct 27, 2009
7:03 PM EDT
Quoting:KDE 4.3 includes fixes for over 10,000 bugs and implements almost 2,000 new feature requests.

From personal experience, I can tell you KDE 4.3.2 apps work rather well (I don't use the Windows-manager though). Only OR kde4init OR xorg-1.6 crashes regularly (I suspect the latter). Problems with Akonadi / MySQL seems to be gone (for now).

Especially if you don't have to compile it yourself, I'd suggest you take a look at it (given you have a reversal-plan for if you don't like it).

And I even like Dolphin. Especially when you know all about how it works (I only know about 10% I guess). It can mount portable devices and you can remove from them / write files to them without manual mounting, editing autofs/udev-crud and being root. You can also split screens like with Krusader (but I'm not good at it), see previews etc.

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