This made me laugh.

Story: Microsoft donates .NET Micro Framework to open sourceTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Nov 17, 2009
4:13 PM EDT
Quoting:Microsoft has released part of its .NET Framework - the part for internet-connected smart devices - into the open-source community.

Quoting:But don't get too excited. You won't be getting the full .NET Micro Framework stack, as Microsoft's open-source code donation will lack the TCP/IP stack and cryptography libraries.

"Here, have this nice code to help build up your internet smart device. Oh BTW, you'll have to write your own TCP/IP stack and Crypto Libs to actually use it usefully."


Nov 17, 2009
4:35 PM EDT
Yeah, I never assumed for one nanosecond that they'd actually released anything usable. I figured they most likely released code that won't work without the underlying proprietary microsoft functions that it calls.

So, nothing new here, just more of microsoft doing "open source" with an asterisk. Technically, perhaps it could be argued that it meets some narrow definition of open source, but really, it completely misses the point.

Nov 17, 2009
5:31 PM EDT
Quoting:"Here, have this nice code to help build up your internet smart device. Oh BTW, you'll have to write your own TCP/IP stack and Crypto Libs to actually use it usefully.

Not actually a problem with Mono, there are already a set of Unix classes for both.

Nov 18, 2009
4:34 PM EDT
@herzeleid Anything REALLY good from these M$ guys would likely come with strings attached, nay, even with thick ROPE attached! At least thank goodness its .NET Micro donation is not a ball-and-chains way of dragging the best-of-the devs further into its controlling sphere. -fb

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