"Because the accountant liked it"

Story: Will the US Government Embrace Canonical Landscape and Ubuntu?Total Replies: 0
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Nov 25, 2009
2:04 PM EDT
Lesson to be learned from the other side of the puddle:

Savings in the IT budget of 70% by means of switching from closed to open software. Proven in practice!

And why? Because the French don't like Americans, like Cuba? Because they want their own distro, like Munich? Because they are afraid of spies, like Deutschlands Auswärtiges Amt and China? Because they care about openness, like the Dutch elections? The parliament asking them to use open source software everywhere, like in Peru? A visionary manager maybe, like in Massachusetts?

Turns out it's none of this all. The real reason they're migrating 90k desktops to Ubuntu is:

Because the accountant liked OpenOffice, so did his general manager when he saw it, and because they felt screwed by MS.


And probably because it was cheaper than the French alternative: Mandriva.

Also at some other police force, recently at the other side of the Puddle:

Saving 50% on the servers by means of ditching proprietary and going with open, and improving performance!


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