Novell did positive things for the Desktop!

Story: FOSS: How Did 2009 Shape Up?Total Replies: 3
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Dec 17, 2009
5:06 AM EDT
So Novell dedicated 10 people specifically to opensuse... While before the whole SUSE company was supposedly behind SLE/openSUSE equally. And this dedication happened _after_ 25 developers got tossed out of the main SUSE office in Nuernberg, in an attempt to hide this, the SUSE booster team was created.

Maybe this linuxmag guy should do a bit more research.

Dec 17, 2009
7:13 AM EDT
Chris Smart never claimed anything contrary to what you wrote and specifically mentioned the layoffs. Also, are you certain their was a 50/50 split in resources between openSUSE and SLE? I seriously doubt it and I'd like to see your source of information. Finally, Novell does contribute heavily to desktop development and has done since acquiring SUSE.

Maybe you should read the article before throwing stones claiming Chris somehow got things wrong.

Dec 18, 2009
4:12 AM EDT
I am one of the former SUSE employees, and one of the guys who kicked ATIs butt and got it freed. I believe that i am quite aware of what suse did.

Tossing out 20% of the nuernberg developers severely reduced SUSEs ability to do anything upstream, so the booster team got created to cover up that fact.

Dec 18, 2009
6:51 AM EDT

Thank you!

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