I hope so..

Story: Linux Will Save The WorldTotal Replies: 9
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Jan 12, 2010
6:51 PM EDT
I don't think they're ungrateful. As a matter of fact, I think it is a sign that FOSS is getting more and more mature. Its audience is no longer a crowds of nerds writing for nerds, no it is becoming more mainstream with obviously mainstream demands. To lots of users, they expect a device like a computer to work. That's BTW also the reason most people don't really care which OS fuels the hardware - as long it's bearable, they don't complain.

When you use a computer for real work, you don't waste time on alpha or even pre-alpha software. It should get the work done. That's why I - and with me a lot of other people - weren't quite surprised about the reception of KDE 4.0. It implied workable software and frankly - it was not. Whine-fest? Hardly. That version had real issues.

"Is this the future of Linux, perfect free shiny toys for the spoiled? Increasing numbers of demanding, ungrateful users who think they are owed everything, and who give back nothing, not even courtesy?" Yes, I hope so. That means we've grown up. Free is not and should not be equal to worthless.

BTW, I'm a KDE user and FOSS developer myself, as you all probably know.

Jan 12, 2010
7:29 PM EDT
I might put it less harshly, but, yup.

FOSS is growing up and, like it or not, the developers are going to be dragged kicking and screaming into the world of adult concerns.

I am giving some thought to trying KDE again, hoping that the developers have learned a thing or two about how incredibly important their work is. I've been using XFCE and must admit that I'm not a fan, other than on my myth box, where the small footprint leaves room for multimedia.

Jan 12, 2010
8:51 PM EDT
Just asking, but are your comments based upon the item (article / editorial) or its summary? Because I am seeing this:
Quoting:404 - File not found [...]
on a related page or directory but no sign of real content.

I have found this to be repeatable and both links take me to the same wrong page and error.


Jan 12, 2010
9:24 PM EDT
There was a typo in the link. Here is the correct one:


Jan 12, 2010
9:54 PM EDT

Thank You!


Jan 12, 2010
10:17 PM EDT
> I've been using XFCE and must admit that I'm not a fan

XFCE is only good in comparison to Gnome and KDE. :( On it's own merits, it's only passable.

> ...where the small footprint leaves room for multimedia.

That's it's key advantage, yes. It lets you do what you want without bogging down your system.

Oh, and wrt:

> I don't believe it is exaggerating to say that Linux/FOSS is all that stands between technology tyranny, corporate tyranny, and the hope of something better..

Carla is unfortunately entirely correct. :(

Jan 13, 2010
1:05 AM EDT
Quoting:XFCE is only good in comparison to Gnome and KDE. :( On it's own merits, it's only passable.
Ouch. Talk about d@mning with faint praise...

Believe it or not, I'm one of those oddballs that hopes against all hope CDE will someday become open-source. Of all the desktop environments I've worked with, I've most enjoyed using CDE. XFCE approaches that philosophy closely, but not enough to make it my across-the-board DE. So, on my more-capable desktop system, I use GNOME, but on my smaller system (or systems, as the case may be) I use Fluxbox.

Jan 13, 2010
2:40 AM EDT
Link fixed, thank you for the heads up.

Jan 13, 2010
10:30 AM EDT
> Ouch. Talk about d@mning with faint praise...

Yeah, I realized at the time. But it is, IMO, unfortunately true. For the reasons I mentioned, XFCE is my preferred desktop interface, but I hold no illusions about how good it actually is.

Jan 13, 2010
11:49 AM EDT
> I don't believe it is exaggerating to say that Linux/FOSS is all that stands between technology tyranny, corporate tyranny, and the hope of something better..

F/OSS represents those principles within the realm of software, but it is not the software that "stands between" at all.

It is the principles.

Bring those principles to other parts of life, where tyranny is just as much a threat to the individual.

Linux, like pizza, is a result of those principles, not a cause.

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