Linux normally spreads by word of mouth

Story: Desktops and Linux are Not DeadTotal Replies: 0
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Oct 18, 2010
11:02 PM EDT
Quoting:This is because Linux normally spreads by word of mouth. How many times have you shown Linux to someone? How many times have you told people what Linux is? How many times have people entered into conversations describing the benefits of Linux to others? It is often from these encounters that Linux market share increases.

This is so true. A client I work for, who is based in Melbourne, I maintain and develop his website, told me yesterday that he's so impressed with the netbook I sent him. I swapped an Asus 901, he'd purchased for a Pioneer 10 inch Dreambook that I'd set up with Ubuntu Netbook remix.

He told me he'd been searching the web for diagramming software for the netbook, and he'd found Dia. Then he told me he had this brilliant idea, "why not see if it's available in the software installer". He said he was quite nervous about using the software installer, this is the first time he's actually installed software on the Linux box, but he said it turned out to be so easy, he could hardly believe it. Then he had to phone me to tell me all about it.

He said he's so impressed now with Linux that he's definitely going to install (or have installed) Linux on several other computers, as soon as he gets the time.

Interesting, it's this feature, the Package Management system that new Linux users, I've spoken to, really go on about.

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