I gave Bodhi a spin - very nice

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Dec 22, 2010
4:54 PM EDT
I was sufficiently inspired to pull down the ISO, burn a Bodhi disc and give it a try. Looks nice. There are more config utilities there than you'd think - they're hidden in the menu (which itself is hidden in an icon on the upper left of the screen).

I like the minimalist approach, but with things like Synaptic and NetworkManager to make it work a bit better.

And Enlightenment looks pretty nice on first glance.

I didn't do an install, so I don't know if /home encryption is offered, and I prefer to run 64-bit (Bodhi looks like 32-bit only at this point). But being based off Ubuntu 10.04, the LTS, is something I definitely like.

I also gave Elive a try, but it froze at boot.

But Bodhi indeed looks like a new distro to watch (and Enlightenment might be a nice alternative in regular ol' Debian or Ubuntu or -insert favorite here-).

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