They just can't countenance missing a "popular" platform

Story: MS Announces Support for Intel, AMD, and ARM SoC's for Next WindowsTotal Replies: 1
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Jan 05, 2011
11:56 PM EDT
I remember the early days of Windows NT when no processor was considered unsuitable for Windows. As Intel took over the mainstream, the Win NT platforms diminished one by one until Intel was the only supported platform.

Zoom forward 10 years and now that other mass market processors are running non-Windows operating systems, all of a sudden, Windows becomes cross-architecture again.

Funny that!

Jan 06, 2011
5:08 PM EDT
Quoting:I remember the early days of Windows NT when no processor was considered unsuitable for Windows.

Depends on what you mean my "not unsuitable". I once used Windows on Alpha. Wow, what a dog!

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