Lot's of people will want/need Windows 8

Story: Does anyone need Windows 8?Total Replies: 5
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Jun 03, 2011
3:30 PM EDT
I hope that Linux on the desktop continues to rise in usage and usability, but until it does, plenty of businesses and consumers want, and possibly need, Microsoft. Or to put it another way, are we willing to concede the consumer market to Apple? (Yikes! I hope not!) I personally would like to see Windows 8 on tablets be a big success, and I'd like to see a Linux competitor to Android succeed too (MeeGo seems unlikely now, but hey, Intel may be able to pull it off). Plenty of competition from deep pockets keeps innovation high and prices low. I own Windows, Macs and Linux PCs here, our house has Android, BlackBerry and WP7 phones ... variety is good for everyone.


Jun 03, 2011
4:47 PM EDT
Lots of people will be convinced by Microsoft that they need Windows 8.

And perception is reality.

That is all.

Jun 03, 2011
9:40 PM EDT
variety is good for everyone.

No, that's not true...especially if people don't want or seek it. Maybe competition is good for everyone, hence variety. I can live with that, but variety for the sake of variety?

I haven't varied my operating system in 6 years. To me, "variety" within that scope is just a waste. I don't like or use Mac or Windows for a variety of reasons. What good is variety if you don't want to choose from the variety pool?

Jun 04, 2011
12:31 AM EDT
Don't forget that in many offices, desktops are still loaded with MS. The mindset would be something like this: "Finally! Something that will allow me to use Exchange and Sharepoint on the road. Win!"

We'll see this until the next generation of cubicle workers replace the current one, and with the economy like that, it's gonna take some time. :(


Jun 04, 2011
11:05 AM EDT
If the Windows 7 to Windows 8 migration is anything like Windows 3.11 to Windows 95, then almost everyone will be forced to move.

I kind of doubt that MSFT can pull off the kind of stunt that they did in Windows 95, but really, all they have to do is convince "Anti-virus" vendors to quit supporting XP, Vista and Windows 7. The malware people will continue to target that group of OSes, because of the ease of doing so. Note: NOT MARKET SHARE. Windows is so baroque, and has many poorly-thought-out feature that lead to ease of exploitation.

Quite soon, the Windows XP, Vista and 7 folks will have to migrate, otherwise it will be very obvious that their computers are not their own. The malware plague will just overcome them, they'll leave their old computers in the alley or dumpsters, and buy new ones with Windows 8.

Jun 04, 2011
12:15 PM EDT
And Windows 8 will soon become the virus/malware enabler of choice. It is, after all, a product of that same firm who brought us Windows 98, ME, XP, Vista, 7, MS Office, etc., etc.


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