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Story: Does anyone need Windows 8?Total Replies: 2
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Jun 03, 2011
4:51 PM EDT
The idea that consumers want every device they're using to function exactly like a PC is not unique to Microsoft. Canonical has the exact same idea, except a little backwards: they think consumers want all their devices to function exactly like smartphones.

Jun 03, 2011
6:13 PM EDT
I just watched this video about Windows 8:

It seems Microsoft is going through an even worse touch screen meltdown than the Ubuntu and Gnome developers...

Jun 04, 2011
11:21 AM EDT
Quoting:It seems Microsoft is going through an even worse touch screen meltdown than the Ubuntu and Gnome developers...

We must realize that the majority of Windows users are novice and such presentations will impress them at first glance. This type of interface gets tiresome when used continuously and for extended period of time. It literally gets the hands and eyes tired and that is when users will decide to go back to the classic desktop interface.

For occasional use and for small devices and kiosk, this interface is ideal. It will get very popular for its convenience. The best approach to accommodate for all types of devices is by making different interfaces available and let the users choose what is best for them.

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