Ken: Best wishes to you and Diane

Story: Project Director Suffers StrokeTotal Replies: 18
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Jun 13, 2011
3:31 PM EDT
Thinking of you both - may recovery be speedy.

Jun 13, 2011
3:50 PM EDT
Ken, my heart goes out to you and Diane. I hope she recovers quickly and fully and that you can go back to doing what you obviously love to do soon.

Jun 13, 2011
4:08 PM EDT
Shocking news indeed.

Thinking of you guys, hope it all comes right in the end.

Jun 13, 2011
4:45 PM EDT
Prayers for good recovery and brighter days. Best wishes


Jun 13, 2011
6:49 PM EDT

It's so clear that your life's ambition is to have a positive impact for those who need it. That mission hasn't changed; only the mission parameters are different.

I hope Diane's smile gets bigger every time she sees you.

Sincerely, gus3

Jun 13, 2011
6:56 PM EDT
Ken I won't offers prayers to mythical invisible friends, nor will I offer positive thoughts, as neither will make one iota of difference. What I will offer is the advice that you stay calm and focused, and take good care of yourself, as Diane will need everything you have to give in the comming months.

Jun 13, 2011
7:31 PM EDT
Hey, why not insult the 95% of the world population that believed in something greater than themselves before offering good wishes? Why not have a little arrogant atheist zealotry first? That's clearly more important than good wishes to some. I thought some evangelicals were bad but when it comes to preaching, geez, TA, you take the cake.

Get a life.

Jun 13, 2011
7:38 PM EDT
Thank you Caitlyn your good wishes are appreciated. But this is really about Ken and Diane.

Jun 13, 2011
8:34 PM EDT

Jun 13, 2011
9:05 PM EDT
I take great comfort in the completely arbitrary nature of the universe.

If I were to believe in some all powerful being controlling everything, then I would have to conclude that people somehow deserve the cr@p that happens to them.

...and nobody deserves that. Certainly not good people like y'all.

Peace and rapid healing, and as TA said, don't forget to take care of yourself, too. Remember to breath.

Jun 13, 2011
11:26 PM EDT
> ...nor will I offer positive thoughts, as neither will make one iota of difference.

You think so? You may be interested in this then:

Other studies of this type have been done. This was merely the first article I could find on Google.

The simple point being that it's unwise to discount the effectiveness of good wishes, whether religious or not. They seem to have a power far beyond what could reasonably be expected.

> If I were to believe in some all powerful being controlling everything,

You don't? Good, neither do most Christians. :) There is this little detail known as free will which insists on throwing a spanner in such matters. But arguments about the exact nature of the such have been going on far longer than our recorded history. We're not going to resolve them here. Now is a time for wishing Ken and Diane the best, in whatever manner people find most comfortable.

Jun 13, 2011
11:37 PM EDT
Quoting:You think so? You may be interested in this then:

I'm quite aware of that study thank you. I also know that the results were no better than one would expect from chance, and that those who knew they were prayed for had a slightly lower recovery success rate than those who either did not know they were being prayed for and those who were not prayed for. Perhaps it was performance anxiety on the part of those who knew they were being prayed for.

The best that Ken can do for Diane is be there for her, to keep his heath good, and be positive in his attitude. The rest of us can do more for Ken by providing him with friends he can talk to when the going gets tough. But one thing is certain. Thinking positively or negatively on our part will change nothing, and nor will getting down on your knees and asking your version of the invisible man in the sky to interceed. For one thing, as you Christians keep telling us it could be part of his plan that she die, or worse, so tell me in what way does prayer change that, or is your Invisible sky friend so fickle it will change it's very important plans for each and every one of us just because you ask nicely.


Jun 14, 2011
8:58 AM EDT
> I also know that the results were no better than one would expect from chance,...

Funny. That's not what the study synopsis said. Oh well, I didn't read it in detail. And as I said, it's only the first of many. Others are free to read it for themselves, check out the other relevant studies, and decide for themselves whether wishing others well has any effect or not. And, as I noted, religion has nothing to do with the matter.

The rest of the comments will merely get us into TOS violation territory (which pointing to studies and noting basic facts about various religions shouldn't) so I'll refrain from responding. I apologize for provoking them.

Jun 14, 2011
11:47 AM EDT
I talked to Ken on the phone last night. I wrote a piece for O'Reilly about what has happened this morning. Y'all know where to find it. I'll have a more personal piece on my blog later this afternoon. I think y'all know where to find that as well. If not search on my name and Entropy and you will find it.

I have submitted the O'Reilly story to and I deliberately wrote it as a straight news story. I've corresponded with Bob Whitinger and his stance on fundraising on (prohibited by the TOS) is clear, hence no link until the story gets through moderation. I hope I've written it so that it can be considered acceptable under the TOS. However, until it is clear that I have I will do what I can to both avoid a TOS violation and to let people find what I'm doing :) How's that for dancing around issues?


Jun 14, 2011
2:14 PM EDT
I'll be your dancing partner anytime, caitlyn.

Jun 14, 2011
5:41 PM EDT
Thanks Caitlyn, I really appreciate your efforts of informing people like me; who're looking for more information.

Jun 14, 2011
6:08 PM EDT
As none of the portal sites have picked this up yet (hopefully they will) I hope those of you who are concerned will blog about it if you have a blog. Let's get the word out.

Jun 14, 2011
6:33 PM EDT
@jdixon, as I have already told you privately I will not be continuing this conversation in public, your response was already a TOS, and my response to yours an even greater one.

Jun 14, 2011
10:47 PM EDT
> ...your response was already a TOS...

The first response? No more so than yours, but possibly. Obviously I didn't think so, or I wouldn't have posted it. The second? Not even remotely.

However, TA has "asked" in private mail that I note publicly that she disputes the stated findings of the study I linked to. Her exact words were "...that I have shown reports that contradict your statements." I thought my statement was obviously opinion, not fact, but whatever. She did post some further quotes to back up her position, but discussion of the quotes or the study itself would definitely be a TOS violation, so you'll have to ask her if you want them.

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